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Arrest Records

Arrest Record Search: Mugshots, Felonies, Court Documents, Police Records and More!

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Easily Find Mugshots Online

Michael J. Wilbert
Michael J. Wilbert
Age: 24

Being charged with:

Burglary/unoccupied Conveyance

Jennifer Stewart
Jennifer Stewart
Age: 24

Being charged with:

Burglary/unoccupied Conveyance

Michael J. Wilbert
Michael J. Wilbert
Age: 24

Being charged with:

Burglary/unoccupied Conveyance

Arrest Records Fact:

Every Year Roughly 10,000,000 Get Arrested in the United States!

Why is Accessing Arrest Records so Important

When it comes to keeping you and your family safe, you can never be too careful. With increasing crime rates and the way the world is changing, having access to an Arrest Record data base has never been more important.

When you create an account with you will get complete details for arrest records for any person; from first to their last offense. You will have the power of knowledge regarding their criminal history including their rap sheep, trial dates, mugshots, verdicts, time served, parole officer and parole information.

public arrest records

You can also check sex offender information in their arrest criminal records and offenses. Much of the information displayed on our site is sensitive, we encourage you read our terms and conditions to be well informed of what you can, and can not do with access to both our free and premium data.


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Common Arrest Records Questions and Answers

What is the Difference between Misdemeanor and Felony?

Misdemeanors are crimes that are classified as less severe than felonies. By their very definition, misdemeanors and felonies carry different penalties: a misdemeanor can carry temporary punishments, fines, and up to a year in jail. A felony will carry at least a year in prison.

What is the 3 Strike Law?

The three-strikes law applies harsh punishments to repeat offenders; according to the three-strike law, a person who has committed three violent felonies will serve a life sentence in prison (a lesser sentence can be mandated in some cases).

What is the Difference between Federal and State Laws?

State law is a law that applies on a state level – both to residents and visitors. Federal laws apply to all 50 U.S. states and territories, including the District of Columbia. The basis for Federal Laws is the constitution, and they are meant to enforce the power of the Government, and protect the basic rights of every citizen in the country.

What are Juvenile Records?

Juvenile records are criminal records of individuals who are not yet adults, under the definition to the law. Juvenile records include the entire criminal history and convictions of a juvenile, and most of such records are sealed and cannot be accessed by the general public.

What is a Sex Offender Registry?

A sex offender registry is a registry that includes all the names of registered sex offenders in every state. Aside from state sex offender registries, there are also national sex offender registries that detail the convictions of people who have been convicted of sex crimes. The details in the sex registry include the offenders' names, addresses, physical appearances, sex crimes they have committed, the level of the crimes, and additional information.

What are Inmate and Jail Records?

Inmate jail records are files, that detail information about convicted offenders. Jail records of inmates include information about the alleged crimes they have committed, convictions, sentences, times they have served in correctional facilities, and more. Such files are created and maintained by the correctional facilities that are in charge of inmates, based on jurisdiction (federal, state, or municipal jurisdictions).

What is the Difference Between DUI and DWI?

A DUI and DWI have different meanings under the law: DUI - Driving Under the Influence of alcohol or drugs (illicit or legal, such as prescription drugs). DWI - Driving While Intoxicated/Impaired. If a police officer believes that a driver is too impaired to drive, a charge of a DUI or DWI may arise. The precise definitions of both charges vary between states, and the results of such charges also vary as a result.

What is a Probation Period?

A probation period is a period of time in which an offender is supervised by order of the court. A probation period substitutes incarceration, and it varies from one jurisdiction to the other; in some jurisdictions, probation is the supervision of an offender who was released on parole from prison. In other jurisdictions, probation applies to community sentences exclusively.

What is Parole?

Parole is given to inmates in prisons, and it is conditioned freedom for inmates who have been found eligible for parole. When an inmate is released under parole, he/she must adhere to predetermined responsibilities. Parolees who do not follow the responsibilities that were assigned to them (violate parole) may return to prison.

What is a Conviction Record?

Conviction records include information about an individual's convictions – whether a juvenile or an adult. A conviction record will not include the following:

  • Offenses that have been expunged, annulled, pardoned, have received a certificate of rehabilitation, or have been subject to an equivalent procedure (based on the rehabilitation results and conclusions of the individual who has been convicted).
  • Offenses that have been expunged, annulled, pardoned, have received a certificate of rehabilitation, or have been subject to an equivalent procedure (based on the finding of the convicted individual as innocent).
  • Offenses that have been expunged, annulled, pardoned, have received a certificate of rehabilitation, or have been subject to an equivalent procedure for offenders who have received a suspended/deferred sentence (does not apply in records that have been expunged).

What is an Arrest Warrant?

An arrest warrant allows the police to take an individual, who is the suspect of a crime, into custody. An arrest warrant can be issued by a judge or a magistrate, who has been shown probable cause to believe that the information they have received may indicate criminal activity.

What is Petty Theft?

Under the law, petty theft is the stealing of an item that does not have a high value. The value of the item that was stolen directly impacts the punishment of the person who stole the goods.

How is All this Information Public?

Public offices must collect and share the information they obtain. Every time someone gets a traffic ticket, receives a court order, fills up a DMV form, gets a mugshot taken, files for divorce or interacts online with public websites; that information is collected and poured into big data bases.

At we collect and aggregate all this data. Our technology sorts and organizes this information and presents it in a single or multiple reports.

information public

All this information is public information which can be obtain should you reach different sources. However, our services makes it easy to access every piece of information in just 1 place.

You Should Perform an Arrest Record Search if You would Like to:

Find out if someone has a criminal record

Check for Sex Offenders who live near your home or office

Verify people you interact with both on personal and business level

Check your own arrest record