USA People Search
Finally, an official people search website for free people search services. is the best source to acquire public records information including emails, addresses, aliases, court records, driving records, criminal records, arrest records, mugshots and more.
Our website is public record aggregator. We collect, organize and sort billions of records every day through our A.I people search engine technology.If you are looking to find out information about people in your lives, people you need to verify such as classmates, co-workers, babysitters, contractors, business associates or any other reason; you have come to the right place. is an authorized confidential people search public records search engine that is both easy to use and intuitive. Our designers have designed our interface to be extremely user-friend and easy to use. With just a couple click you can retrieve a people report, email it to yourself or someone else, and even download a PDF sample report. All of that and more, you can do directly on our website.
Our friendly staff is standing by to answer any questions you my have at 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can reach us by both email and phone. We will be more than happy to assist you and help you with your people search needs.